Thanks be to God for your work Fr Gomulka. St Paul says : " And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness , but rather reprove them " Ephesians chat 5 vs 11. The entire chapter goes on in depth about making evil deeds manifest by the light. About 25 years ago I was in confusion and nearing despair about the things I saw , read and heard from clerical despots. Then a very wise Priest answered my anguish with this word of wisdom : " Anthony , they are conflating judgment with discernment" In other words the Theomachists - see " Life of St Antony of Egypt " by St Athanasios- require the faithful to take leave of their sensés and give themselves over to the unfruitful machinations of darkness. Unfortunately this has happened with dire effects in our Country and the world. Personally , I praise God that some few persons have the spiritual fortitude to speak Truth to the rulers of the darkness of this world. God bless you and those who carry the can for the innocent.

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⚜️ Saint Anthony the GREAT and Saint Athanasius of Alexandria, pray for us and our pastors! 😌🌍☦️⛪✍🏼

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This article is correct. We have a duty to speak and seek truth. What is one of the most disturbing facts in all these abuse cases, is the indifference the victims are met with by those in charged. The indifference is yet another wound they carry. We see it over and over. Predators are placed back in areas and situations where they can strike again.

This act displays how those in charge do not care. In fact many are reckless in putting innocents in harms way. From the Diary of St. Faustina 1092 "Today, as God's Majesty swept over me, my soul understood that the Lord, so very great though He is, delights in humble souls. The more a soul humbles itself, the greater the kindness with which the Lord approaches it. Uniting himself closely with it, He raises it to His very throne. Happy is the soul whom the Lord himself defends. I have come to know that only love is of any value; love is greatness; nothing, no works, can compare with a single act of pure love of God."

Yet many (most) of our bishops have no humility. They are duty bound to bring us closer to God, yet they are so far removed from him, many have no hope of leading any of us to the enteral Truth.

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Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

To me, these are the most heinous crimes because they happen at the hands of those who are supposed to be intermediaries to God. When I was a young girl, my grandmother told me not to go to confession because priests are not supposed to have any real life experience. She also told me that it made no sense for priests to not be able to marry, that it was not normal. She also said ask God to illuminate you. I don’t believe we need intermediaries. I was raised Catholic. I sent my four daughters to a Sacred Heart Catholic school run by intellectual nuns and they had a wonderful experience, but I want to vomit when I read about the Patriarchy in the Catholic Church. I hope they burn in a personal hell on earth. This is an evil which needs massive exposure to be rooted out!

I am not a Catholic. I am a child of God. I detest the dogma, lies, and abuse I was unaware of, that underlies Catholicism and has, for centuries!

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Unfortunately, most Catholics don’t want the truth because they can’t handle the truth. You had a very wise grandmother!

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Thank you. She was my guiding light✨🙏🏼I know that Catholics don’t want to hear the truth. I’ve shared plenty over the last 10 years about the abuses in the Catholic Church.

Thank you for sharing what you share here, as difficult as it is to read and come to grips with.

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This phenomenon of Catholics who leave because of clerical sins is the flip side of the denial of said sins by Catholics who stay.

It’s a lack of basic catechetical instruction. Full disclosure, I left the Church in large part because I saw such apathy in the laity and the passion for Christ exhibited by Protestants.

What I didn’t know and the above mentioned groups didn’t kniw was this.

The Church is the Body of Christ and like Him it has both a Divine and human Nature. The Divine side is the worship, Sacraments, teachings and Traditions of the Church are untouchable by human corruption and never in need of reform.

The human side has always had and will always have Judas in her midst. Personal corruption among laity in my case and clerics in the above cases do not negate the Authority or the Truth and power of the Divine side.

Judas is no reason to impede our walk with Peter.

I stopped my membership and contributions to an organization that was faithful to the Magisterium because it continually gaslit forum members who kept asking about the corruption.

They absolutely tprefused to either discuss it and when anyone did their post was removed.

I discussed this personally with two of the men in charge. They said they didn’t want to scare potential converts away to which I said they will leave anyway when they discover they were deceived by the avoidance of the issue.

They both refused to issue any formal response on line so I told them i no longer believed in their mission.

No reason to bring people in the front door only to have them leave out the back.

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Do you see any connection between the homosexuality of Bishops and the rejection of the traditional forms of piety, such as Eucharistic devotion? My wife seems to have an incredible gaydar and when she saw several bishops on EWTN she pointed out they were homosexuals and it turned out they were!

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Women always know.

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Fr. Briese is a devote man and priest. He suffers well for Christ. Like many other good priests this rot causes them pain and suffering to see what they love and devoted their lives to attacked and savaged. A priest friend of mine often says his job is to know and do God's Will and save souls. If he fails at this then he has failed. This is what I find most horrific of the terrible fallout from these evil and weak prideful men, the loss of souls. Most of our bishops do not seem to care at this great and grave loss. They do care about in the money coming in, promoting themselves and living well. If the bishops will not truly work to save souls they should resign. Better no bishop than one that may or will lead others to ruin.

If these men did care then we would have seen real change. We would see them truly being truly penitent. Have any actually and voluntarily sat and met with any of these victims and listened to them? Then followed up with calling and speaking with them to encourage their healing?

If they spent 50% of the efforts they put forth to hide abusers, intimidate victims, try to silence, and punish the religious that speak and promote their own careers, things would be a lot better.

The Pharisees and Sadducees of the old testament seem preferable to many of today's bishops.

Lastly all of them have done a terrible and irrational job of dealing with the abuse crisis. In this regard they would have been fired if in the public sector. We have to cut them off the money to them. We have to ask and demand answers to the question why they do not care. Have they gone into their own personal funds to help any victim?

We must pray for them for their souls are in dire jeopardy, especially given their office.

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📖 John 18:37 😌⚖️📯🌐👑

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⏰✍🏼 Powerful,

Semper Fortis ⚓🌊⛪☦️🇺🇲 Father.

Grace & peace to you, onward to Bethlehem✨🌴🐪🌌

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Merry Christmas! Semper Fi!

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