Thank you for sharing this insight, painful as it is. I think bit by bit we are beginning to realise how useless, cowardly and self-serving our 'leaders' have become, in all instiutions across the West. The new temple of the secular state is not much better. Not sure what we can do except to feel powerless and slightly grubby by paying my taxes / placing money in the collection.
Popes like Leo X and Julius III were sexually active homosexuals, but, unlike Francis, they did not try to change Catholic theology or dogmatic teachings to approve of their behavior. Francis is trying that now when the overwhelming majority of bishops and priests outside of Africa and Asia today are homosexuals along with around 90% of the College of Cardinals.
The LGBTQ lobby has gotten many people to think that homosexual behavior is as normal and moral as sex between a husband and wife. Catholics will not be told otherwise when almost all US born bishops and priests in the US today are homosexuals like the Pope and about 85-90% of the College of Cardinals.
Homosexuality in clergy is common knowledge. I am not sure anyone has been persuaded beyond tolerance and the awareness some cognitive dissonance / hypocrisy.
Did you ever consider why Catholics don't want to admit, and why the media does not want to call attention to the fact that Francis is a homosexual like Leo X, Julius III, and many other past pontiffs? No one noted how AP reporter Nicole Winfield made readers think in 2013 that Francis was asked by a Brazilian reporter about priests with a homosexual orientation when the question was about very sexually active Msgr. Battista Ricca. You should not judge me if I'm a heterosexual, but you certainly should judge me if I commit adultery with your wife (unless you think adultery is as moral and as normal as homosexual behavior). See:
The truth is that over 80% of US born bishops and priests are closeted homosexuals. They don't want to be outed so they try to say the Church does not accept gay candidates. However, the official Vatican directive is a joke because it says a gay cannot have had sex for three years before ordination. It takes 3 years to complete 3 years of theology before diaconate when one promises celibacy. So, the day before entering the seminary a gay can go to an orgy and no questions are asked. Further, today most gay seminarians are having sex in the seminary often with gay faculty members and will continue having sex after they are ordained. It's all about having a comfortable life with pay and benefits while living in the closet.
You're absolutely correct. I know a closeted gay priest, a seminary rector today, who was a Protestant who converted and immediately entered the seminary. Had he studied for the ministry in the Episcopal Church and not married, he would have been thought to be a homosexual. But by becoming a Catholic priest, he has been allowed to remain in the closet. Interestingly, he has written books and produced videos on clerical celibacy while I received two reports of him coming on to one straight and one gay seminarian who were both coerced into leaving after rejecting his propositions. Father Briese from Washington who was suspended by Cardinal Gregory reported him. He will never be investigated because Gregory, and his upcoming successor, McElroy, are very gay and will protect the predator gay rector.
Studies show, and priests and Vatican officials will admit, that no less than half of all Roman Catholic priests practice celibacy at any given moment in time, and only around 2% of RC priests, say that they never broke their vow of celibacy following ordination. See:
I guess I’m not too surprised at this. You may be too young to remember Father Andrew Greeley, the sociologist priest from Chicago. He published a study in the 70’s detailing the widespread dissatisfaction of Catholic priests. He had some interesting solutions to the problems of priesthood shortages and attrition related to the celibacy requirement. One idea was to allow diocesan priests to marry. Those who chose orders would commit to celibacy. Another was more radical - a “term limit” for the priesthood. As a pre Vatican II Catholic, I miss terribly the old traditions of the Church and would much rather have seen the parameters of the priesthood tinkered with than the Latin Mass.
I’m very familiar with Greeley. What Church leaders do not want to admit is that celibacy was never practiced. Just look at the popes of the 16th century.
No disagreement here at all on either the study results or that the Vatican is ignoring the facts. I was just thinking about solutions, but as you imply, the Church leaders would first have to acknowledge the problem, right?
The pope is satans right hand man
Thank you for sharing this insight, painful as it is. I think bit by bit we are beginning to realise how useless, cowardly and self-serving our 'leaders' have become, in all instiutions across the West. The new temple of the secular state is not much better. Not sure what we can do except to feel powerless and slightly grubby by paying my taxes / placing money in the collection.
What a disgrace !!!!
Homosexuals have been priests for centuries, so tell me something new!
Popes like Leo X and Julius III were sexually active homosexuals, but, unlike Francis, they did not try to change Catholic theology or dogmatic teachings to approve of their behavior. Francis is trying that now when the overwhelming majority of bishops and priests outside of Africa and Asia today are homosexuals along with around 90% of the College of Cardinals.
Oh, the Vatican is just doubling down, now….
The Vatican says one thing and practices another, just like McCarrick who denounced homosexual predation while engaging in it like Pope Francis did in Argentina. See:
And they wonder why they are losing the people
Not my Pope, he's an intruder and is ruining the Catholic Church
Look up the building Audience Hall to see the head of the serpent.
The dope called pope spews his filth from the mouth of the serpent.
How could this actually be a story? Does the church think nobody noticed? This is sad.
The LGBTQ lobby has gotten many people to think that homosexual behavior is as normal and moral as sex between a husband and wife. Catholics will not be told otherwise when almost all US born bishops and priests in the US today are homosexuals like the Pope and about 85-90% of the College of Cardinals.
Homosexuality in clergy is common knowledge. I am not sure anyone has been persuaded beyond tolerance and the awareness some cognitive dissonance / hypocrisy.
Did you ever consider why Catholics don't want to admit, and why the media does not want to call attention to the fact that Francis is a homosexual like Leo X, Julius III, and many other past pontiffs? No one noted how AP reporter Nicole Winfield made readers think in 2013 that Francis was asked by a Brazilian reporter about priests with a homosexual orientation when the question was about very sexually active Msgr. Battista Ricca. You should not judge me if I'm a heterosexual, but you certainly should judge me if I commit adultery with your wife (unless you think adultery is as moral and as normal as homosexual behavior). See:
I thought they were already open
The truth is that over 80% of US born bishops and priests are closeted homosexuals. They don't want to be outed so they try to say the Church does not accept gay candidates. However, the official Vatican directive is a joke because it says a gay cannot have had sex for three years before ordination. It takes 3 years to complete 3 years of theology before diaconate when one promises celibacy. So, the day before entering the seminary a gay can go to an orgy and no questions are asked. Further, today most gay seminarians are having sex in the seminary often with gay faculty members and will continue having sex after they are ordained. It's all about having a comfortable life with pay and benefits while living in the closet.
Also, a priest doesn't have to deal with questions about not being married and has an excuse to avoid relationships with women.
You're absolutely correct. I know a closeted gay priest, a seminary rector today, who was a Protestant who converted and immediately entered the seminary. Had he studied for the ministry in the Episcopal Church and not married, he would have been thought to be a homosexual. But by becoming a Catholic priest, he has been allowed to remain in the closet. Interestingly, he has written books and produced videos on clerical celibacy while I received two reports of him coming on to one straight and one gay seminarian who were both coerced into leaving after rejecting his propositions. Father Briese from Washington who was suspended by Cardinal Gregory reported him. He will never be investigated because Gregory, and his upcoming successor, McElroy, are very gay and will protect the predator gay rector.
But are all gay priests sexually active?
Studies show, and priests and Vatican officials will admit, that no less than half of all Roman Catholic priests practice celibacy at any given moment in time, and only around 2% of RC priests, say that they never broke their vow of celibacy following ordination. See:
I guess I’m not too surprised at this. You may be too young to remember Father Andrew Greeley, the sociologist priest from Chicago. He published a study in the 70’s detailing the widespread dissatisfaction of Catholic priests. He had some interesting solutions to the problems of priesthood shortages and attrition related to the celibacy requirement. One idea was to allow diocesan priests to marry. Those who chose orders would commit to celibacy. Another was more radical - a “term limit” for the priesthood. As a pre Vatican II Catholic, I miss terribly the old traditions of the Church and would much rather have seen the parameters of the priesthood tinkered with than the Latin Mass.
Anyway, thanks for your response!
I’m very familiar with Greeley. What Church leaders do not want to admit is that celibacy was never practiced. Just look at the popes of the 16th century.
No disagreement here at all on either the study results or that the Vatican is ignoring the facts. I was just thinking about solutions, but as you imply, the Church leaders would first have to acknowledge the problem, right?
Didn’t Jesus imply harsh punishment for those who lead others astray? Just asking.
Yes, but these complicit bishops and priests don't believe in God. They have been living in the closet all their lives. Their entire lives are lies.