The College of Cardinals needs to elect a Donald Trump-type pope who will “clean house”
As a retired military chaplain who supervised over 150 chaplains assigned or deployed with U.S. Marine Corps units over two-thirds of the Earth between Arizona and the Horn of Africa, I wrote articles addressing how former President Joe Biden’s Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI) organizational frameworks were “killing” military retention and recruitment. Instead of staying 20-30 years in the military, talented and well-trained officers and enlisted were leaving because they did not want to serve in an institution in which they would not be promoted based on their qualifications and performance. The retention problem resulted in increased recruiting goals which in most cases were not being met. Even before his inauguration, when Donald Trump announced he would eliminate DEI programs in the military and government, Army recruiters reported enlisting almost 350 soldiers a day in December. Following Trump’s inauguration, Army recruiters reported hitting their best recruiting numbers in 15 years.
The Roman Catholic Church in Europe and the Americas where the majority of bishops, priests, and seminarians today are homosexuals is experiencing a serious recruitment and retention problem, particularly involving heterosexually oriented men who appear to suffer from “destabilization.” The late seminary rector, Father Donald Cozzens, explains “destabilization” as a feeling of “not fitting in” similar to how a heterosexual might feel in a gay bar. The ordination and promotion of homosexuals over the past seventy-five years has not only resulted in the “destabilization” of many straight seminarians and priests who have left ministry - and in some cases the Church - but it has also caused countless lay Catholics to leave as well.
In response to an article, “Church Closures Linked to Destabilization,” one commentator wrote,
“The laity sense the same ‘destabilization’ as straight priests and seminarians. Homosexual pastors cannot relate in a normal way to the vast majority of their parishioners who are heterosexual. Every word out of their mouth is a lie. They lied to get into seminary; lied to their fellow seminarians; lied to their bishops; lied to their fellow priests; lied to their parishioners; and even lied to themselves. Obviously, they don’t believe in Scripture, Tradition, encyclicals, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church which defines homosexuality as ‘intrinsically disordered’ and ‘contrary to natural law’."
For more than 40 years a closeted homosexual priest avoided addressing the Catholic Church’s teaching on homosexuality. However, with Pope Francis’ promotion of Blase Cupich, Wilton Gregory, Robert McElroy, and countless other perceived homosexual bishops to the College of Cardinals, the priest felt empowered to voice his support for the LGBTQ agenda. What he did not anticipate, however, was the response in which hundreds of families - mainly young families with children - left his large parish. Because the other two Catholic churches in the town were also pastored by homosexual priests, the majority of the families who left became “Nones,” 17% of whom identify as atheist; 20% as agnostic; and 63% as “nothing in particular.” Nones today make up 28% of the U.S. population, more than Catholics (22%) and Evangelical Protestants (24%).
Catholics who say, “It doesn’t matter if the priest is straight or gay, as long as he practices celibacy,” fail to realize how a priest’s sexual orientation will affect his ministry, his homilies, and his interaction with his parishioners. Also, while both straight and gay priests can be tempted to violate their vows of celibacy, the number of sex partners and the frequency of sexual relations is much higher on the part of homosexual bishops, priests, and seminarians.
Because almost all Catholic homosexual clergy “live in the closet,” Catholics often fail to appreciate the differences between heterosexual and homosexual priests and bishops.
“Robert” was groomed and abused in a high school seminary by a priest faculty member, Father “James,” who later became a bishop. Because Robert and James maintained an ongoing sexual relationship throughout their lives, Robert did not look for other sex partners just as a happily married man might be less inclined to have sex with other women than a divorced man. Before Bishop James died, owing to his close relationship with a Cardinal on the Dicastery for Bishops, he was able to have Robert made a bishop. Robert, now a Cardinal, will participate in the next papal conclave. His life, along with the lives of his close clerical friends, have inspired a screenplay, ”The Den of Iniquity,” in which a cardinal is murdered en route to the conclave by a Mexican drug cartel enforcer whose younger, illegal immigrant brother, was sexually abused by the cardinal.
“Dennis” was a closeted Protestant homosexual in his 20s who, while on vacation in Myrtle Beach, met a gay priest, Father “Thomas,” who encouraged him to convert to Catholicism and study for the priesthood. During his time in the seminary, Dennis and Thomas continued to have sex regularly. However, after Dennis was ordained and Thomas was removed from ministry for abusing high school-age boys, Dennis began pursuing sexual relationships with other men, some of whom he met at gay bars or with the Grindr App. Father Dennis currently serves as the rector of a college seminary where he was able to get two seminarians dismissed - one straight and one gay - who turned down his sexual advances. Reports of Dennis’ predatory behavior continue to be covered up by his Archbishop and the Apostolic Nuncio.
“Michael” felt that he had a vocation to become a priest. While he had girlfriends in high school and college, he did not engage in sexual relations which he knew he could not do if he were to become a celibate priest. While enrolled in an East Coast seminary, he witnessed other seminarians displaying affection toward one another, and he was even propositioned by two different seminarians. When he reported the propositions to the administration, it was he who was dismissed instead of the predators. After teaching for a few years in a Catholic school, he met a vocation director at a teachers’ conference who was able to get him accepted to continue his priestly studies for a Midwestern diocese. Despite his many talents and his popularity with both young and old parishioners, his derisive interaction with the gay clergy in his diocese resulted in his being assigned as a chaplain to a state prison in residence with an alcoholic homosexual priest. The isolation and “destabilization” he experienced took a toll on his health which resulted in his early medical retirement.
Just as active duty personnel and veterans will discourage their children and grandchildren from serving in the military if they believe it is no longer a noble profession and does not reward and promote people based on their performance and abilities, so too will good, holy, heterosexual priests discourage young men from studying for the priesthood for the same reasons. As long as the Church continues to be controlled by the Lavender Mafia as it was during the pontificates of Leo X, Julius III, and other homosexual popes, one should not be surprised that the Catholic Church is plagued with problems similar to those that infected Biden’s discriminatory DEI military. If Pope Francis is followed by a “Pope Francis II,” just as if Kamala Harris were to have succeeded Joe Biden, the recruiting, retention, and membership problems in the Roman Catholic Church will only get worse. The Catholic Church needs a Donald Trump-type pope who will “clean house” and reverse the hemorrhage of Catholic faithful and holy, heterosexually oriented, seminarians and priests.
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Gene Thomas Gomulka is a sexual abuse victims’ advocate, investigative reporter, and screenwriter. A former Navy (O6) Captain/Chaplain, seminary instructor, and diocesan respect life director, Gomulka was ordained a priest for the Altoona-Johnstown diocese and later made a Prelate of Honor (Monsignor) by St. John Paul II. Email him at
I will never leave the Catholic Church because of the homosexuality issue, but it does give me pause in defending Her and encouraging others to consider becoming Catholic . What are we to do?
The Roman Catholic Church has been infected and infested with Homosexual Abuse by the Brothers at St Vincent De Pauls Boys Orphanage in Dundas Street Sth Melbourne Victoria AU as far back as the 1950s the Whole System is Sick from Head to Toe 🤯 some things never change😖🤬