Homosexual predation is alive, well and thriving in tiday’s seminaries, religious houses, among parish priests, priests working in the chanceries and even, ever more sadly, at our Catholic schools and universities. To defeat this horrendous spiritual plague and source of sexual predation and abuse, lay Catholics must organize, finance and manage a national concerted and well coordinated lay effort to obtain sworn statements and evidence and insist that prosecutions be pursued in a Lagan manner. The evidence of corruption is mostly in the financial records, priest personnel records and computer files and stored records. Laity must work with police and investigative bodies at all levels of government. Otherwise homosexual assaults and heterosexual rapes will continue.

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Fr. Briese - is this a pseudonym or are you a priest? And if the latter is this advice of a known factual experience or just assuming?

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Dear Doubting T, Allow me to insert myself into your discussion. Yes, Father Briese is a real priest in his late 60s who has dedicated his life (even before he was ordained a permanent deacon and then later a priest) to feeding and clothing the poor and homeless of Southern Maryland. While he is White, the poor he serves are mainly poor Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics. Unlike most of the priests and bishops (like Wuerl and Gregory) of the Washington Archdiocese who are closeted homosexuals, Briese is a truly celibate heterosexual. If the Church allowed priests to marry, he would choose to remain celibate not because he does not love women, but because he wants to focus his entire life on serving Christ and his Church. For over three years, Cardinal Gregory has removed Father Briese from active ministry because he is a whistleblower who confronted Gregory for: 1) Allowing Father Adam Park to remain in ministry after he was reported for preying on seminarians at the North American College in Rome (as recorded in NY Supreme Court documents); and 2) Confronting Gregory with allegations that he was sexually involved with a man in Atlanta where he was given the name, "the African Queen." Gregory, did not deny the allegation just like Pope Francis did not deny the allegations from two separate sources that he preyed on Jesuit novices in Argentina. Every day I hear from sources throughout the U.S. about predatory and sexually active priests and bishops. Prostitutes will describe the genitalia of bishops and priests and point out exactly what their episcopal residences, rectories, and bedrooms look like inside. Allow me to refer you to the following two videos about abuse and reprisal victims which show how abuse and cover-ups lead all the way to the Vatican: “The Prayer of the Prey” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65etESOUrE8) and “The NAC Swamp” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h04G4jISSW8&t=23s)

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After watching these two videos, you will understand why I could never be a priest of the Omaha Archdiocese and offer Mass praying for "Francis our Pope and George our Bishop" without preceding their names with a few "choice" adjectives. Note too that the Nuncio in DC received the "Open Letter" video which the pope chose to ignore: https://johneighteenthirtyseven.substack.com/p/pope-francis-ignores-pleas-of-abuse Francis ignored these victims as pope just like he ignored these victims as the Archbishop of Buenos Aires: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9r5M7AEaTk

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Doubting T. I am personally appalled and filled with a very justifiable sense of disdain toward our modern clergy. Should you doubt me I have the name of two kids sexually assaulted by two different priests. They were both called liars by the priests in command and told to stay quiet or their families would be thrown out of the Church. Both these kids were early teens when priests molested them. They trusted our Church and cried out for help!

RC clergy insulted them by making these two kids out to be liars. These two kids killed themselves. You can multiply these two innocent suicidal kids by the hundreds across America. This goes back decades. Did you ever doubt the number of evil priests permeating the modern RC clergy in America! Do not ever doubt this! Neither you or any adult has a right to ignore or mock or cover up the cries of our children!

It It is adults who need to wake up! And you better learn to protect our most vulnerable children and vulnerable adults. There is a lot more to this! The Church leaders are some of the most corrupt n American history! Is it ok for priests to rape! Is it ok for priests to break their public promise of celibacy! If it is then so too is marital adultery! Open your eyes, see the reality! For parents with children , they must never permit the kids to be by themselves around RC clergy. Pay attention! Protect children.

Mt Doubter, you have an obligation first to yourself, then to society… to pursue truth! Pray for our one holy catholic and apostolic Church! Pray daily. But never put your head in the sand or choose to ignore cold facts. This is a sinful way of living. Our vulnerable brothers and sisters need us. They are our future so we need them. Protect them!

I am EXTREMELY SORRY to write my words. I was made aware of this evil by the now deceased but well known RC clerical molester the late former priest, Fr Frank Benham. In July 1977 he pulled down his pants and asked me, then a foolish 19!year old to provide him pleasure. So I have been aware of this for about 45 years. It is a VERY REAL ONGOING EVIl!!! Fight it with all you have! Only the dedicated lives of God and determined men and women will successfully defeat this clerical wrath of evil!

Good will prevail. I pray for people like you! What are YOU doing to fight these clerical rapists and infidels! Use the laws of this nation! You have powers under our laws! Use them! And WHY d this? Because our dear Lord always Protected the vulnerable. And we must too.

I am real!

Fr Michael Briese

Servant Unto The Least Among Us

This problem is very real and so am I !!!

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Let Priests be married. Duh!

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Maybe just get rid of the celibacy prohibition. Allow priests to marry. Also, It is so ironic that homosexuality is forbidden by the Church yet it is run by homosexuals.

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I could not agree more.

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Stating the obvious , but celibacy is an impossible standard to hold human beings to and a priest will be better able to provide a better counseling role to the parish he serves if he has this experience. Making this change could potentially revitalize the Church. If somebody feels a calling to aestheticism and celibacy they can go be a monk. But to require this of priests, is and always has been, an impossible standard that has resulted in centuries of corruption and sin. Well, I could go on and on stating the obvious.

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May I quote you in my next article?

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Do you want me to write "a commentator wrote" or "Ellie M. wrote"? Or, perhaps, your full name? I always protect my sources and only reveal what they want to be revealed.

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You can just write “ a commentator wrote “ - I like my privacy. But let me know the article- I am interested to read it. Thank you.

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It's not impossible, but it should be optional. It's a church discipline, not a doctrine, so the Pope could loosen the restrictions.

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It will be harder to change with a homosexual pope in office as celibacy allows people to think that all the closeted gay bishops and priests are heterosexuals who sacrificed having a spouse and children to follow Christ.

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Sounds plausible, I don't really know enough to opine. But it seems to me that this may be a temporary state of affairs. The priesthood is no longer the only way, or even a particularly attractive way, to live a gay lifestyle while remaining part of polite society. Gays can just move to NYC or SF (and they can probably just stay put in Western Europe). Older gay clergy may still treat the priesthood as an important refuge, but I can't see younger gay clergy showing nearly as much concern. I would wager that a majority of American Catholics wouldn't complain if their parish priest came out as gay, I hear a lot of "live and let live, who cares what people do in their private lives, etc" from American Catholics. American conservatives really are just yesterday's liberals.

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So gross. This is not the church.

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Unfortunately, people who studied for the priesthood because they felt Christ called them to “Come, follow me,” have been driven away by frauds like Pope Francis, Bishop Barry Knestout, and countless others who became priests to hide their homosexual orientation. For the latter group, the priesthood is just a comfortable job and not a vocation. In the meantime, the sheep are left without Good Shepherds who model their lives after the life and ministry of Christ.

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The hierarchy of the RCC is really good at whistling past the graveyard.

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Lolol at one of the linked exposes being written by (lightly closeted) homosexual himself, Rod Dreher.

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Do you think he really is? I'm asking sincerely because I've wondered about it myself (partially based off of a personal interaction with him) but I've never searched around online to see if it's a common suspicion about him.

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Damned sodomites!

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You are a prophetic voice crying out in the wilderness, Gene!

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Such exposure is a long time coming. It seems to jive with the highbar figure of 70% that is the 'pink elephant in the room.

This cannot resolve itself without Divine Intervention.


(Soon after the Illumination)

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