Abuse victims and advocates betrayed by Church leaders and media
Rachel Mastrogiacomo, whose satanic sexual abuse was covered up Cardinal Robert McElroy, travelled from Louisiana to Washington, D.C. to confront McElroy on the occasion of his 11 March 11 2025 installation as the Archbishop of Washington. Both mainstream and Catholic media outlets were contacted beforehand and made aware of why abuse victims like Rachel and abuse victims’ advocates strongly objected when Pope Francis made McElroy a cardinal, and when it was announced that he would replace Cardinal Wilton Gregory as the Archbishop of Washington.
Except for balanced articles about the installation that appeared in Complicit Clergy and LifeSiteNews, articles in The Washington Post and the National Catholic Reporter, along with coverage provided by Catholic News Agency (CNA) - a subsidiary of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) - all failed to make mention of McElroy’s abominable record when it comes to sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, particularly involving vulnerable adults like Mastrogiacomo.
Ed Condon of The Pillar wrote: "The basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception was full, and the entrance processional snaked around the nave, as thousands of Catholics and hundreds of clerics from across the country arrived in fleets of buses to see the cardinal take possession of the capital see."
The Pillar, along with the legacy and Catholic media, would like people to believe that the Shine was packed with clergy and laity for McElroy's installation. They did so by showing photos and video only from the very front of the Shrine. This reminds me of how Pope Francis altered a letter by Pope Benedict for an anniversary booklet that misled readers to believe that Benedict was supportive of Francis' pontificate. Benedict began the letter by identifying some accomplishments he supported, but then listed a number of changes that Francis made of which he strongly disapproved. The deceptively cropped letter was no different than the photos and videos of the Shrine event.
This is a photo during the ceremony that paints a very different picture of the event.
Why do media sources hide the dramatic decline in U.S. Catholic membership with only 19% of Americans self-identifying as Catholic? According to the Centre for Catholic Studies, a third of Catholics who previously went to Mass stopped going as a result of the child sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church. Studies reveal that Sunday Mass attendance has decreased to between 21% and 24% today.
Why did The Washington Post, Catholic News Agency, National Catholic Reporter, and other news outlets not mention how McElroy covered up the satanic ritual abuse of Rachel Mastrogiacomo?
Processing behind Cardinal McElroy at the installation Mass was Cardinal Christophe Pierre, the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States. Like McElroy who failed to investigate and report the abuse allegations involving twelve seminarians and priests he received from the late psychotherapist, Richard Sipe, so too has Pierre failed to investigate abuse allegations involving seminarians at St. John Paul II in Washington, D.C., and St. Mary Seminary in Baltimore. Pierre also has covered up abuse allegations that he is documented to have received at 10:35 pm on 30 September 2024 from Lisa Roers and Rachel Mastrogiacomo captured in the video, The Prayer of the Prey.” Many people who have watched this video, along with the video, Sexual Abuse in the Church: Code of Silence, realize that the Pope and his cardinals are not the saintly people that Catholics and non-Catholics have been led to believe.
Just as the legacy and Catholic media failed in 2013 to report how Jorge Bergoglio covered up countless abuse cases when he was the Archbishop of Buenos Aires despite having said, “It [sex abuse] never happened in my diocese,” so too are they covering up the abysmal abuse reporting records of most of the cardinals who were present at McElroy’s installation. In order to learn the truth about Cardinals like Robert McElroy, Blase Cupich, Timothy Dolan, Wilton Gregory, and Joseph Tobin, one has to go to Complicit Clergy to read “Conclave.”
As a sex abuse victims’ advocate and investigative reporter, I can’t help but wonder, “Do the bishops and media not realize the harm they are causing thousands of abuse victims, many who struggle with depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, and even commit suicide, as a result of allowing their pleas for help to be ignored and go unanswered?”
What really took place yesterday in D.C. is happening all over the U.S. Here is a photo of the most recent Christmas Eve Mass in the Buffalo Cathedral that twenty years ago was overflowing with worshippers. Note that the celebrant, Buffalo Bishop Michael Fisher, hails from the Washington Archdiocese and was promoted by McCarrick, Wuerl, and Gregory.
EWTN, CNA, NCR, America, and other Catholic fake news media sources will continue to keep the truth from the Catholic laity because they don't want to lose money. They don't want Catholic laity to know all the abuse Francis covered up in Argentina and during his pontificate; they don't want the laity to know that over 80 percent of bishops, priests, and seminarians (outside of Africa and Asia) are homosexuals; they don't want the laity to know that at any given moment in time no more than half of all bishops and priests are leading celibate lives; they want to hide these facts just like the bishops in 2000 attacked the Kansas City Star for reporting the disproportionate number of Catholic bishops and priests who were dying of AIDS.
When I was growing up, Soviet media like Tass and Pravda were criticized for lying to Soviet citizens. It seems that American mainstream and Catholic media today are no different than the Soviet media was during the height of the Cold War. And people wonder why The Washington Post is cutting staff and why Catholic seminaries and churches are becoming emptier despite efforts on the part of the bishops and the media to hide the truth.
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Gene Thomas Gomulka is a sexual abuse victims’ advocate, investigative reporter, and screenwriter. A former Navy (O6) Captain/Chaplain, seminary instructor, and diocesan respect life director, Gomulka was ordained a priest for the Altoona-Johnstown diocese and later made a Prelate of Honor (Monsignor) by St. John Paul II. Email him at msgr.investigations@gmail.com.
I have not idea how or why this happens, but detect two trends - in church as well as state. First, the people in charge believe in nothing, certainly nothing of the institutions from which they derive their status. Second, they have no real power - that rests with those who know the facts. The media could remove McElroy tomorrow. They choose not to.
I am a straight man in his early forties who discerned off and on with the Benedictines and Jesuits in my early-mid twenties. What I saw and heard during that time and since made it clear to me that I did not have a place in religious life as it stands now, particularly in the latter order. Your coverage has resonated with me and thank God I was never physically abused, but I met and saw several characters who in a sane Church would have been laicized years ago.